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solar town - puerto rico

gridless micro energy networks are now funding solar systems for low income residents in puerto rico from saving et sharing own energy reserves/surpluses.

Originally back in 2017 after hurricanes Irma et Maria devastated the islands power networks, we were advocating et fund raising for temp accommodation et shelter recommending the use of more underground power cabling versus overhead cables, but individually installed solar panels et batteries don't require any grid or network infrastructures to fail or get destroyed by floods or wind , plus with their costs falling most years, they are more et more affordable et ideal for more isolated or remoter locations. Industrial wind farms were also destroyed.

What’s agreed is that Puerto Rico is at a pivotal point and for once there’s real money on the table: last September, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (Fema) approved an unprecedented $9.6bn to reconstruct the island’s energy system and is currently deciding how the money should be spent.

Puerto Rico gets enough sunlight to meet its residential electricity needs at least four times over, but only less than 3% of the island’s energy comes from renewable sources.

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