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a new era and Level of 'criticality' in the design function of our national internet infrastructures

There was always design elements of mission criticality from our ISP’s performance specs, from the beginning of our www infrastructures roll-out, eg a transatlantic undersea internet cable terminating in a switch room disguised as a typical Cornish Cottage for security reasons.

But more recently during these past couple of years in this new pandemic era possibly driven by man versus the depletion of his own natural environment, we are now reading headlines like,

‘people who picked up new digital habits during the pandemic – and kept them - Covid has forced us to find new ways to relate to each other – and that has meant creative opportunities and connections we’d otherwise have missed’

With such an exceptional accelerated program of vaccines discovery and roll-out across our world, again I am sure the internets role in deliverables, I don’t think can be overstated in importance.

In a recent comm I may have sent you earlier, Bill Gates end of term, news letter, begins with his recollection, that when he first started MS with his co-founders, they never envisaged from its inception, that the PC (and ultimately ofcourse its supporting internet) might become the only means of comms for many people. I am thinking now of the families recently reunited again trans-atlantically by air, after more than 300 days of separation, where they perhaps managed to keep weekly or daily contact remotely via their pc’s and internet via Zoom apps and the Like.

Finally, for today I turn to the renewed importance of our own national security of our critical internet infrastructures, predominantly managed in private hands, as I became concerned and distracted following recent events and military build up of armed forces on the Ukrainian border.

Is there perhaps now more than ever, a new stronger case for new policies, for the enhanced and continued protection, (with more input from our Ministries of Defence), of our own critical national internets physical infrastructures, not limited to any remote cyber attacks by Others.

With compliments

& best wishes for 2022




‘global development

& national Climate bank for the Americas

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